Enclomiphene vs Synthetic Testosterone

To understand Enclomiphene vs Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), you must first understand Testosterone.

Testosterone is a hormone that plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of male characteristics and reproductive functions. It is primarily produced in the testes in men. To keep it simple, without testosterone, a man’s body wouldn't have the fuel it needs to be a man.

Testosterone Benefits:
Builds Muscle [1]
Increases Metabolism [1]
Increases Sex Drive [2]
Increases Energy [3]
Increases Bone Density [3]
Elevates Mood [4]
Reduces Fat
Improves Cardiac Function
"Testosterone, like other hormones, requires optimal levels for your body to be at equilibrium."
Testosterone Benefits:
Increases Energy
Builds Muscle
Elevates Mood
Increases Bone Density
Reduces Fat
Increases Metabolism
Increases Sex Drive
Improves Cardiac Function
Testosterone, like other hormones, requires optimal levels for your body to be at equilibrium.
What is Normal?

If you’ve ever had a lab panel done, you’ve probably heard this before: "your levels are normal."

The normal male testosterone level ranges from 270 to 1070 ng/dL. As you can see, the range is quite wide. To put this into perspective, an individual with a testosterone level of 300 ng/dL and another individual with a level of 950 ng/dL would both be classified as “normal,” but certainly feel different. When optimizing testosterone levels, the goal isn’t to get levels into a “normal” range, but rather an optimal range to allow the body to function at peak levels.

As men age, it is “normal” to begin feeling the signs of aging which include low energy, brain fog, fat gain, diminished libido, and muscle loss. This does not have to be the case.

Increasing testosterone levels in men who are symptomatic can reverse these symptoms.

*Both patients A & B fall within a "normal" range while having significantly different lab values. Although they both are classified as "normal," their symptoms will differ vastly.

I have low “T” symptoms, what can I do?

There are two effective methods when it comes to increasing testosterone levels in men, Enclomiphene Citrate or Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).  

Now, back to business…Enclomiphene vs Testosterone Replacement Thereapy, which is best for me?

This is a nuanced question and requires an understanding of the pros and cons of each treatment protocol. The protocol should be individualized to the patient’s specific needs and goals.

Nuform’s Formula T Protocol - Enclomiphene Citrate

Enclomiphene Citrate is an oral capsule used to increase testosterone levels naturally. Enclomiphene works by blocking the negative feedback loop between the testes and hypothalamus, leading to an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) - two hormones responsible for sperm production and testicular production of testosterone. Simply put - enclomiphene works by telling your body to increase its NATURAL production of testosterone.

Enclomiphene therapy is fertility friendly and does not “shut down” your body’s natural hormone production. It is a great alternative to testosterone replacement therapy due to its ability to naturally increase testosterone while avoiding some of the unpleasant side effects of TRT which can include infertility, testicular shrinkage, acne, hair loss, and long term reliance [5][6]. If fertility is of concern, it is important to discuss this with your physician to minimize risks.

Learn More About Enclomiphene

Bio-Identical Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT):

TRT is exactly what it sounds like - it replaces your body’s natural production of testosterone with synthetic testosterone. TRT is a great option for men who are suffering from low testosterone that cannot naturally produce testosterone (primary hypogonadism) or for men that do not respond to natural remedies. The benefits of TRT are noticeable more quickly than enclomiphene.

There are things to consider…

Because TRT replaces your body’s natural production of testosterone, your body will begin to stop making its own and therefore leading to testicular shrinkage and potential harm to fertility. If fertility is of concern, there is an alternative option - Enclomiphene Citrate Therapy.

Learn More About TRT


Testosterone is a vital hormone for men’s overall health. Without adequate testosterone levels, the body is at a disadvantage to achieve optimal health. Understanding what testosterone is, why it could decline, and how to increase it if symptomatic is crucial to achieving your body’s full potential. 

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Enhances Sexual Performance / Increases Muscle Mass / Weight Loss
Enhances Sexual Performance
Improves Bone Heath
Improves Focus and Motivation
Fat Distribution
Improves Metabolic Health
Enclomiphene can increase your testosterone levels similar to TRT without affecting sperm count